Viaţă în România --------- Life in Romania

some happy, sad, funny, frustrating, incredible, discouraging, wow, joyful and "what the heck is going on?" moments from the lives of kelsey (mama) and caleb (son) serving Jesus in romania. TOATE SUNT POSSIBLE CU ISUS! (all things are possible with Jesus!)

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Home is Where the Heart is...

And, that's about all I remember of that Steven Curtis Chapman song. Sorry. If you had caught me at about 9th grade I could've sung it by memory at your wedding.
Enough of that.
: )

I am HOME. Whew. It is good to be home. When my son, Caleb, ran into my arms saying "Mommy! Mommy! Mommy!" all I could do was squeeze him tight and cry. I ached for him during these 12 days apart. I am very thankful to be back home.

Even though it was a long to time to be away from Caleb this trip was the perfect amount of time for what I needed to do. I am SO THANKFUL for all of you who made this trip possible. Each one of you who paid for a plane ticket, bought me a meal, gave me a gift, enveloped me in a hug, prayed for me...thank you. My home church, ECC, in Bloomington Indiana labels themselves as a "Receiving, Equipping and Sending" church. That's what each one of you did in Chicago, LA, Denver, Michigan and received me, equipped me to head back and then sent me again. I loved it. It was needed.

And, props to my Mom and Dad. They were here in Romanian taking care of Caleb while I was in the States. I know, they're awesome!

There were some really cool things that God did on this trip - all airport related. I wanted to share them with you because they rocked my face off. I think you will be really encouraged to see God's miraculous hand in these 'small', yet significant, ways. Be encouraged!

1. At O'Hare, when I checked in for my flight to LAX, the computer never asked me to pay for the 2 bags I was checking in. It should've been an automatic $25 fee.
2. My flight from Chicago to LAX was the only AA flight NOT delayed the entire day.
3. My luggage on the flight above was supposed to arrive with a different flight but for some reason actually arrived on the flight I was on!
4. Checking in for my flight from LAX to DEN I realized both my bags were like 10- 15 pounds over. The guy next to me in line paid $80 for 1 of his bags being ONE pound over. (Note, his line was being run by a woman who has spent a lot of money to become a Janet Jackson look alike.)
My line was so congested that I stepped back to try and move the extra pounds to my carry-ons. Some people with carts moved in front of me and blocked me from approaching the desk for the lady to give me my luggage tags and weigh my bags. The lady instead came to me and I told her that they were 'way over.' She responded with "I don't care today!" Stuck my tags on and said I was all set.
5. I headed to Denver to check in for my flight to Michigan. The charge was supposed to be $15 for the first bag and $25 for the second. Wouldn't you know...the computer BROKE just as I had to enter the number of bags. That particular screen just froze up. Instead I had to put "zero" and skip that page altogether. She entered my bags manually instead and says "When did you buy your ticket?" "Sometime in February", I responded. She looked at me for awhile and then sticks my tags on and I was good to go. No charge!
6. I'm trying to remember right now what happened at the Indy airport....oh yeah. Same deal. My bags are overweight but I was able to transfer enough to my carry-ons to check them in. No charge again for my 2 bags. Everyone else in line is paying.
7. In Chicago, checking in for my flight to Budapest, one of my bags was overweight. She let it slide because my other bag was a little underweight.
8. My flight from Chicago was delayed but I still had enough time to make my tight connection in Amsterdam. I was pretty sweaty at that point though - way to go Amsterdam in being the longest airport ever.
9. I made it home safe - with no bags - but safe. The taxi should deliver my bags today.

God rocks.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Where am I?

Hey everyone!
Sorry I haven't updated in awhile. And, actually, I need to run right now.

Before I do that I wanted to just let you know where I am and where I'm headed.
I'm currently in the LA area and tomorrow morning I will fly to Denver.
I have really enjoyed my times so far in Chicago and LA and have seen God give me rest through my good friends in each of those cities. It has been nothing short of incredible to be here. Thank you to all of you who made this trip financially. And, big thank you to my parents who are doing a pretty good job living in my apartment with Caleb during this time! Go Mom and Dad!

Monday, June 9, 2008

Wendy's and My Birthday

My friend put this up on her blogspot. Her and her husband are awesome adoption advocates and examples. I have been so awed at their openness to foster and to adopt children from all different backgrounds. Goooo Fannins!

Romania, I'm addressing you now. Adoptions can be GREAT, they really can.

Anyway, they put this up on their blog today. What does it have to do with my birthday?
Well, you see, June 15th is my birthday. That means that not only will I be able to celebrate my birthday in the States with close friends BUT I can get a FROSTY AND support adoption!
I am lovin' that for sure. So, Dan and Amanda you're pretty much going to have to drive to a Wendy's on the way home from church on Sunday. : )
On June 14th and 15th when you buy a Frosty at Wendy's 50 cents (per frosty) will be donated to the Dave Thomas Foundation. The Dave Thomas Foundation helps find adoptive families for children in foster care.

Cool off with a Frosty (or two) and support adoption!

On June 14th and 15th when you buy a Frosty at Wendy's 50 cents (per frosty) will be donated to the Dave Thomas Foundation. The Dave Thomas Foundation helps find adoptive families for children in foster care.

Cool off with a Frosty (or two) and support adoption!

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Where to Be in June!!

Friday, June 6, 2008

Yesterday, Thursday, June 5th,

my little sister got married.
I wasn't there.

People ask me a lot "Kelsey isn't it hard to be in Romania so much and never go back to the States? Don't you miss the States?"
Okay, it's true I don't go back very often. Last time I was there was over 2 years ago and I only went for 2 1/2 days. (My big brother got married).
But the deal is this, I don't miss the States. I miss my family a lot but I don't miss the States.
I have a son here, I have a home here. And, the MAIN reason why I don't miss the States is this...
I KNOW God wants me to here and that gives me SO MUCH JOY that I don't want to be anywhere else right now.
In addition to this - I can't take Caleb out of the country. I understood that when I accepted God's calling to be his mom and I understand that now too. Understanding this also leads to a pre-acceptance of not being able to go to the States for breaks or for every incredible family event.
That being said. I miss my family, I miss my family a lot. Not the States - but my family and some very close friends.
And, I have to admit, it wasn't easy to have the phone passed around at lunch yesterday from family member to family member and have that be the most I could participate in my little sister's big day.
Wasn't easy at all...
For almost 4 years now the "phone passing" is the way I have arrived at every Thanksgiving, Christmas, Birthday, Easter and now, Arwen's wedding.
Starting next week I will be seeing all of my family at separate times for a day or 2 days each.
I can't wait!!
But, I am most looking forward to September. My little brother is getting married and my little sister (the one who got married yesterday) bought my plane ticket already. FOUR WHOLE DAYS with the ENTIRE FAMILY TOGETHER.
I am stoked.
Bring on Denver and the Winters family!

Congratulations Arwen and Derek!

PS. Why didn't I go to their wedding yesterday? The wedding was planned after I bought my plane ticket to leave next Friday. I know, I KNOW.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Top 4 Places to be in June!

Since it's been...ohhh I don't know...about FOUR YEARS since I've seen most of you then I think that pretty much makes wherever I'll be a "top place." : )

Come and here about what God is doing in Romania!

Top Four Places to Be in June :

PS. A Chicago location is being worked out. If you're in the area in June check back at the blog above in a few days for more info!!