Viaţă în România --------- Life in Romania

some happy, sad, funny, frustrating, incredible, discouraging, wow, joyful and "what the heck is going on?" moments from the lives of kelsey (mama) and caleb (son) serving Jesus in romania. TOATE SUNT POSSIBLE CU ISUS! (all things are possible with Jesus!)

Friday, June 6, 2008

Yesterday, Thursday, June 5th,

my little sister got married.
I wasn't there.

People ask me a lot "Kelsey isn't it hard to be in Romania so much and never go back to the States? Don't you miss the States?"
Okay, it's true I don't go back very often. Last time I was there was over 2 years ago and I only went for 2 1/2 days. (My big brother got married).
But the deal is this, I don't miss the States. I miss my family a lot but I don't miss the States.
I have a son here, I have a home here. And, the MAIN reason why I don't miss the States is this...
I KNOW God wants me to here and that gives me SO MUCH JOY that I don't want to be anywhere else right now.
In addition to this - I can't take Caleb out of the country. I understood that when I accepted God's calling to be his mom and I understand that now too. Understanding this also leads to a pre-acceptance of not being able to go to the States for breaks or for every incredible family event.
That being said. I miss my family, I miss my family a lot. Not the States - but my family and some very close friends.
And, I have to admit, it wasn't easy to have the phone passed around at lunch yesterday from family member to family member and have that be the most I could participate in my little sister's big day.
Wasn't easy at all...
For almost 4 years now the "phone passing" is the way I have arrived at every Thanksgiving, Christmas, Birthday, Easter and now, Arwen's wedding.
Starting next week I will be seeing all of my family at separate times for a day or 2 days each.
I can't wait!!
But, I am most looking forward to September. My little brother is getting married and my little sister (the one who got married yesterday) bought my plane ticket already. FOUR WHOLE DAYS with the ENTIRE FAMILY TOGETHER.
I am stoked.
Bring on Denver and the Winters family!

Congratulations Arwen and Derek!

PS. Why didn't I go to their wedding yesterday? The wedding was planned after I bought my plane ticket to leave next Friday. I know, I KNOW.