Viaţă în România --------- Life in Romania

some happy, sad, funny, frustrating, incredible, discouraging, wow, joyful and "what the heck is going on?" moments from the lives of kelsey (mama) and caleb (son) serving Jesus in romania. TOATE SUNT POSSIBLE CU ISUS! (all things are possible with Jesus!)

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Lunch at Herculane (the Team House)

Everyday our team eats lunch with each other. Most of you know that already. Last week though, Erik and Carolina outdid themselves. The food was so awesome and took so much time to prepare that I thought I'd catch it on camera. They made pita bread with taco meat and tons of toppings!

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Sunday, November 18, 2007

Orb (Blind)

It was crazy at church today. Lately God has been showing me many paths for the near future. But, He hasn't told me when or how. And, more importantly, He hasn't said it is okay to leave where I'm at yet. He's opened some doors but left the ones for leaving closed. Make sense?
The sermon rocked this morning and the pastor was speaking about vision. How Paul (then Saul) received his vision, after being blinded for 3 days, from another guy (Ananias).
How did Paul feel during those 3 days? Probably an utter state of shock, confusion, humbleness....something along those lines, yeah?
I feel that I'm in a "3 day period" right now. How many days actually it will last - i don't know.
Today at church God spoke the words "Come." I said "Where God?!!!" He said "Come, Kelsey, Come." Again I said "God, where am I to come to?" He said "To me."
So, when will the door in front of me open so that I can walk through the open doors that He has been revealing to me? I don't know... I am blinded now but I have heard the call. And, as the pastor told each of us to do this morning, I will pray that God will send to me an Ananias.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

When the weather changes...

"My back hurts", "My knee flares up." Those are the excuses I grew up with, and I'm assuming most of you did. And, I have to admit, they seem pretty logical too. Changes in weather always make me have headaches so I can understand the back and old knee injury as well.
This is one, though, that I highly doubt you have heard before :

"My liver was hurting so I wasn't able to come into work today. You know, when the weather changes...I was so sick, my liver hurt so bad."

I had made an appointment for Caleb to get his haircut and the guy wasn't there when we arrived. I saw him the next day and what I wrote above is what he told me.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Mouse Trap Marghita Style

Which of the following mouse traps has been most successful thus far this week in our team's hang out house? Is it the picture on top : ramp leading to bucket smeared with peanut butter, mouse goes to the bucket and tries to get to the peanut butter but ends up drowning in the water that is there? Or, is it the illegal in all countries except Romania mouse glue, as shown in the picture just above. The mouse , at first contact with glue, becomes immediately stuck?

Friday, November 2, 2007

Caleb and his imagination....