Viaţă în România --------- Life in Romania

some happy, sad, funny, frustrating, incredible, discouraging, wow, joyful and "what the heck is going on?" moments from the lives of kelsey (mama) and caleb (son) serving Jesus in romania. TOATE SUNT POSSIBLE CU ISUS! (all things are possible with Jesus!)

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The Latest from Casa Alba...

And that would be...TUG OF WAR.
This is how we started off our program 2 Saturdays ago. It was HILARIOUS. The girls won once (the first time actually) and the boys won the next two times. I am so thankful for our very creative donation warehouse boss, Martin, who came up with this extremely creative "rope" for us. (Old hospital blankets tied together!!)
Enjoy the pictures below from the fun! (Click on Shutterfly Link Below)

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Let's see...what else. This weekend the foundation I serve with hosted a youth conference. This is the second year in a row and it was amazing. The speaker from last year returned and the Club was PACKED. Only the very last two rows way in the back were empty. (Which turned out to be the perfect spot for Caleb to spread out his memory cards, as well as color, while Mom soaked in the teaching!) This particular speaker is very blunt and very transparent...I have so, so appreciated the impact his teaching has made on how I view God. If I can find a website with some info on him I'll post it.

CRISTINA LEFT TODAY! WOOHOO! All of you who have prayed for this day - well, it finally came. She was able to permanently move to the home of an immediate family member. How many years has it been since she arrived...2, more than that? I can't even remember now.
Some of the kids were crying during her goodbye party today. I think in part it was that their friend was leaving but also they were crying out of hurt that they weren't the ones leaving...well, at least I'm going to guess that was part of it. Please continue to pray that these kids would be able to leave SOON to families that desire to love and raise them with HIS love and wisdom. Amin!

By the way, this is "fun." I made the cake for the party today. My friend had it in her lap as we were driving to Casa Alba. As I turned the car around, the top layer slid off into her lap.
Yup, that was grrrreat. Then, I carried the cake into Casa Alba and the top layer slid onto my shoulder. Even more grrrreat. The staff at Casa Alba were, thankfully!, able to patch it up enough that I didn't feel like I had ruined the party : )


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