Viaţă în România --------- Life in Romania

some happy, sad, funny, frustrating, incredible, discouraging, wow, joyful and "what the heck is going on?" moments from the lives of kelsey (mama) and caleb (son) serving Jesus in romania. TOATE SUNT POSSIBLE CU ISUS! (all things are possible with Jesus!)

Friday, January 23, 2009

Gray, Rain, Cold...

That pretty sums up the weather we've been having here since the beginning of December. Okay, I know we've had some exceptions to this but if you took a majority would come down to just that "Gray, Rain, Cold." I am a sun person. In and out sun. I've asked the Lord to relocate Romania to the desert but so far He's decided against that...(perhaps piggy backing too much on Lost?). When the sun is out - I feel that I come out. Do you know what I mean? When the sun is shining it just reminds me so much of who God is and who He desires us to be and I overflow with joy! When it's gray...uggghhhh...Kelsey goes into a shell. I don't WANT to, it just happens.
I think that's why I've been not so good about updating the blog this past week. So much rain, so much gray, so much cold. Sorry everyone!
We had a couple of hours on 2 days this week where the sun came out and the weather was warm enough to just have jackets on. Boy, was I pumped or what. Then after a couple of hours it returned to the theme of this winter : Gray, Rain, Cold.
Yesterday morning I told Caleb how God is in charge of everything. Even the sun has to obey God. We began praying that the sun would come out! It didn't : (
It rained pretty much all day and all night (I heard it everytime I woke up...and especially when Caleb woke me up from seriously a very deep sleep YELLING "Mama! Mama! My bed is cold!"
I think I somehow mumbled "Please just stop yelling at me and climb into my bed then."
(Laughing about it right now...)
Anyway I woke up and the same - a nice thick of gray covering everything. BUT, looking out the window now I see little pockets of blue sky through that gray. Oh gosh, how awesome would it be to have an entire day with sun??