Viaţă în România --------- Life in Romania

some happy, sad, funny, frustrating, incredible, discouraging, wow, joyful and "what the heck is going on?" moments from the lives of kelsey (mama) and caleb (son) serving Jesus in romania. TOATE SUNT POSSIBLE CU ISUS! (all things are possible with Jesus!)

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Where am I?

Hey everyone!
Sorry I haven't updated in awhile. And, actually, I need to run right now.

Before I do that I wanted to just let you know where I am and where I'm headed.
I'm currently in the LA area and tomorrow morning I will fly to Denver.
I have really enjoyed my times so far in Chicago and LA and have seen God give me rest through my good friends in each of those cities. It has been nothing short of incredible to be here. Thank you to all of you who made this trip financially. And, big thank you to my parents who are doing a pretty good job living in my apartment with Caleb during this time! Go Mom and Dad!