Viaţă în România --------- Life in Romania

some happy, sad, funny, frustrating, incredible, discouraging, wow, joyful and "what the heck is going on?" moments from the lives of kelsey (mama) and caleb (son) serving Jesus in romania. TOATE SUNT POSSIBLE CU ISUS! (all things are possible with Jesus!)

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Annnd we're done with Wednesday!

Actually, should've been an hour ago. Can't understand why I didn't go to bed an hour ago. I usually hit the sack around 9:30pm (hold the comments please, all of you who are regular comment-ers on this.)

So today. Gosh did I wake up sick. It started Monday night and hit its peak last night/this morning. Haven't felt that sick in a really long time. After a few rough patches with Caleb over breakfast God gave me a huge blessing : a home made drum set. That's right all of a sudden Caleb wanted to make a drum set. He set to work collecting every sort of item you could think of and put them all over our couch. He would test it and then say "Mom I need another cymbal." Apparently all parts of a drum set are cymbals : ) Half of his play room and my tupperware cupboard are now on the couch. He used a set of colored pencils that he just got as his drum sticks. All morning long he did this. I was running at about 1.5% of my normal self so I was extremely grateful that he couldn't tear himself away from his project.
And, what did I do? Well I had front row seats all morning long to his new musical compositions while I cleaned. Yes, I cleaned. When I get sick I clean. I think I do it because I know I can't go back to bed and sleep (hello, 4 year old running the house alone then?) so I have to do something that doesn't require any thinking but keeps the hours I clean.

My new Casa Alba partner came over and, somehow - don't ask my how my brain did this, we planned all activities for Casa Alba for the fall. Yay!!

A friend took Caleb to our team lunch, I didn't think I could even walk there. I was really grateful for her doing that. During my time alone I was able to really prepare for a time of prayer that our Foundation was having this afternoon. And I gradually felt better and better as the day wore on...that is huge because I needed to be at a time of group prayer later in the day.
I asked my leaders if we could invite everyone and have a time of prayer. The finances here are really bad - it's been about a 2 year downhill process. For some months now it's been no money at all. I know individuals are praying and maybe groups within the foundation are praying - but we haven't come together to cry out to the Lord as one. You know? I was really excited when they agreed to this and set a time and place. God led me to some scripture that I felt was really fitting for our time - from Judges. Walking out the door to go to the prayer (Caleb had just come home) Caleb grabs his stomach and bum and says "Mom, I have to go to the bathroom RIGHT NOW." Merge burta. (If you know what that means). So we ended up late to the prayer - I felt awful. I had asked them to pull it together and I was late. But as a single parent I think I get a "Get out of Jail Free" card once in awhile, especially when your little one has an awful case of merge burta just as you are walking out the door. Poor little guy...
I was a little disappointed, initially, at the gathering for the prayer. Only because I really thought that a lot of the people would come from the foundation to pray. There were 5 of us volunteers, my 2 leaders and an additional 3 workers from the Foundation. At our Christmas parties, when every person that is part of the foundation comes, we have about 300 people.
No, I knew that all 300 couldn't come. But to be honest I thought that with the severity of the situation that more would want to come and pray together for it.
Baby steps. Something that I have been encouraged to work on - and have been trying to. Not having too high of expectations of Christians.
Seems a little backwards though at time.
Regardless, people came. That's fantastic! This is only the 2nd time since I have been here at this foundation that there has been an invitation to pray with people from all over the foundation. At the end of our time together I looked at my boss and said "So next Wednesday then?" He agreed. I look forward to meeting again.
It's not that God doesn't respond to individual prayers. It's just that when the children of Israel were in great need of provision or repentance or _______________, they cried out together - as one - to the Lord. There's power when the body comes together and enters His presence through prayer...