One day left...
I'm not really sure why I'm updating my blog at 12:38am. Probably not the smartest move on my part but at least I'm doing it!
There's one day left with the team from England. Tomorrow will be spent doing odd jobs and finishing up projects, as well as saying goodbye. They'll head out Wednesday morning around 10am or 11am I think.
The VBS finished today at Casa Alba. It went well but was really different from past years. I think because the team has poured themselves out so much that it was hard to find the energy to do Casa Alba. I could sense the same thing in my heart as well actually. Also I could see that God really connected their hearts to the gypsy kids in Borumlaca. Not that they didn't care about Casa Alba but HE did something different in Borumlaca that was hard to push aside to focus 100% on Casa Alba. I never heard the team members complain, just could see it in their eyes. You know? Regardless the staff and kids were really impressed and happy with the 5 days of program at Casa Alba.
Today was t-shirt day. The kids made t-shirts with a cross in the middle and then drew around their feet on either side of it....following Jesus. They LOVED the t-shirts today!
I want to share one cool thing as well. Before this team came I had really wanted to write a song that kind of tied everything that they were going to teach together. They could have a "team song" of sorts to sing with the kids. Making sense? Well everytime I sat down to write nothing came. At Borumlaca though one of the leaders and I were trying to translate an English song for the kids to sing in was their memory verse. She couldn't remember the tune exactly and I had never heard it before so out of that came a brand-new song. A song that the kids totally grabbed hold of - both at Borumlaca and Casa Alba. I can't wait to continue incorporating this song into the times of worship with the Casa Alba kids!
We were just in awe that God dropped the song in our laps. I tried so hard to write one and instead He wanted to literally just give it to us.
(Those of you reading this from the team's home church...make sure you have them sing it for you the next Sunday they're all back together!)
Anyway, just wanted to kind of update you all.
Also, Todd and Rocio have now arrived for their beginning of long-term stay in Marghita.
Check out their blog to the right of this post.
The team from England spent hours and hours and hours cleaning out their apartment for them.
I am so SO thankful for the servant hearts of this team. I'm telling you now, their leaving on Wednesday morning is going to be really difficult for me.
I usually joke through good-bye's so that I don't have to think about them too much. Unfortunately I don't think I'll be able to brush these goodbye's aside...
I never EVER anticipated the amount that I would be ministered to by these high schoolers!
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