Sad Goodbye...
The team left this morning. They really became my friends these past two weeks. I know, high schoolers friends with a 27 year old? Let me tell you - these kids kicked my butt big time.
I wonder what it would have been like if I really had known Jesus the way they do when I was their age?
So now that the team has gone you may be wondering how my days will be spent : )
For the next 2 weeks Caleb and Mom will be having some serious catch-up time. I also need time to start preparing for Casa Alba's fall schedule. I think there will actually be 2 of us working together to disciple the kids - I am very excited about that!
Errands. Lots and lots of errands. Today Dani and Caleb, very willingly I might add, followed me around town as I did things that should have been done before today. For instance, picking up a package at the post office from France. Or, from Germany and England. The post office couldn't tell where the German package came from so they just wrote France. A couple of months ago, when I received another package from Germany, they wrote Poland. Again for the same reasons. The time before that they wrote Netherlands. For the same reason again.
It's hilarious. Really - c'mon you're smiling right now too, aren't you?
I also was able to do a pretty dang good job of using hand motions and every word I know in Romanian at the plumbing store today to get the final piece I needed to make my washing machine work. That's right, I am the proud owner of a washing machine! I almost had tears in my eyes as I did the first load today. Talk with my Mom if you want details on just how much of a difference having a washing machine in this apartment will make.
Cleaning my apartment. It looks like moving day here. That is not a good sign.
I have the kitchen sort of back to normal. Enough to make cookies and sourdough buns. Caleb really enjoyed helping me tonight. He took the cookie dough and made them into balls and then flattened them to the tray. So cute! Then he took to washing the dishes. He successfully, on his own, washed a few cups before splashing all of the water on himself and the floor!
Laundry from 2 weeks ago needs to be put away. The bathtub hasn't drained water in 2 weeks. I spent a couple of hours trying to clean out the drain with chemicals and home remedies. Neither worked. Then I pulled open the drain on the floor and was met with serious nasty uggghhh....not even a word to describe it. After cleaning that out I tried threading a wire up to the bathtub but it kept bending. Tried threading the wire from the bathtub to the drain on the floor. Kept bending. Nothing is working - arrrghgh!
My living room barely has room for people to sit and the playroom cannot be entered.
Yup, a lot of cleaning to do!
Tonight Caleb and I were praying for the kids at Borumlaca...that their hearts would continue to grow in the love of Jesus. That they would choose His life over what they are exposed to everyday. Please pray for these kids as you remember...
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