Thursday Info
No residency today - or at least for the next 6 months. Stuff got seriously jacked at the police station here in Oradea and last December they never sent my file to Bucuresti, like they were supposed to. If you want the full story then contact me and I'll send you the e-mail with the long version!
Under my links area to the right of this page you'll see a link for "Alisha and Gyula."
Click on it and you'll be taken to Alisha's blogspot page (she's a missionary here who's currently in Canada for awhile with her son, Gyula.)
The reason why you should go to her blogspot is because she has a video posting there that I think you would find really interesting. Sad, but interesting. The people on the video are speaking of the state orphanage in the village of Popesti, where we have a team of missionaries working. Those speaking are from a summer team that comes from Colorado to do camp for those kids each summer. I know it's short but it gives you a peek into what life at a state orphanage is like. Please take a minute to watch it!
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