Viaţă în România --------- Life in Romania

some happy, sad, funny, frustrating, incredible, discouraging, wow, joyful and "what the heck is going on?" moments from the lives of kelsey (mama) and caleb (son) serving Jesus in romania. TOATE SUNT POSSIBLE CU ISUS! (all things are possible with Jesus!)

Monday, August 6, 2007

Summer almost over...

This summer I took off and really rested. Today I felt myself getting to the end of my rope with not 'going to work.' I even refrained from writing down plans and ideas for this coming year in ministry at Casa Alba and with my team - that was the hardest to do. Then, this week, I really felt the Lord leading me to start writing and scheduling. Know what I started with? A list of goals. I listed goals for each ministry area as well as myself. I already feel more secure when looking towards what God is asking me to do knowing I have a focus point around everything that I'm planning. Pretty pumped about this!

And, I also heard the Lord ask me to do something pretty crazy - I'll share about that in my next update. When I asked him "How God?" He responded quite immediately with a lot of what I'll need to accomplish that. It was awesome! (And will continue to be too....)

Church has been, as usual, very adamantly and radically teaching us as a congregation about how our faith can be increased. I want that - I want a bigger faith, more trust in God.

And, I especially want that in what He desires to do through me this year through the kids and people I work with. I also want to begin sharing His light throughout the people that live in my apartment bloc. Normally I have no problem talking to strangers as God leads, or praying for people on the spot - no problem. But for some reason I have such fear when it comes to those who live in my building. Today I thought - man, I so feel the battle over me today...I figure that if there is this much resistance and Satan is giving me this much fear then God must want to do some amazing revival with the people who live in this building! Please pray that I overcome this...

Anyway, a little glimpse as to what has been going on with me over the past few days/summer etc...