Viaţă în România --------- Life in Romania

some happy, sad, funny, frustrating, incredible, discouraging, wow, joyful and "what the heck is going on?" moments from the lives of kelsey (mama) and caleb (son) serving Jesus in romania. TOATE SUNT POSSIBLE CU ISUS! (all things are possible with Jesus!)

Monday, July 30, 2007

Some pictures...finally!

So I asked Katie to put chalk all over my face...not sure if I like it or not...
Okay, I love it!
Making my Helmet of Salvation (Coiful Salvatorii)
Kristen helping me get my Shoes of Peace craft ready!
Sweaty, sweaty sleep. I didn't fall asleep until like 11:30pm, my Mom loved that!
It was about105 degrees F at camp!