Viaţă în România --------- Life in Romania

some happy, sad, funny, frustrating, incredible, discouraging, wow, joyful and "what the heck is going on?" moments from the lives of kelsey (mama) and caleb (son) serving Jesus in romania. TOATE SUNT POSSIBLE CU ISUS! (all things are possible with Jesus!)

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Casa Alba

So, we just finished Day 3 of VBS with the Casa Alba kids. They learned about telling the truth and the sword of the Spirit. And, Jon has been going crazy each day with playing different songs and us making up words to them. Today's big hit was the intro to 'Eye of the Tiger.' Think I'm kidding? I'm not. It was awesome!
Tomorrow us and the kids will move up to camp to finish off the last 3 days of VBS and then have 2 "fun days" before the kids come back to Marghita.
Camp usually ends up being more stress than fun, and most of the paid staff who goes wishes camp didn't exist. Kids with attachment disorder, for the most part, don't deal well with new situations. Camp always is a new situation - new beds, new people sleeping in their room, different foods, different schedule, different sounds etc... It's just hard on everyone. But, this is the first year that we aren't toting up huge garbage bags full of diapers meaning, that the kids are getting older. I'm praying that the kids will grab onto the "familiar" of the program that we've been doing since Friday morning with them and that it will help make a smoother transition to camp!
It was interesting actually. Sorry, shifting gears here. Yesterday we learned about how Satan can use his flaming arrows as mean words from our friends or other people. As we were getting ready to start the puppet show the worker for the toddler room walked in with one of the kids from that room, his pants soaking wet. He had told her he didn't have to pee and then proceeded to pee his pants. Her way of handling the situation was to bring him into the room where our kids were sitting quietly waiting for the puppet show to start, and then tell all the kids to start laughing at him. And, they did. And, the child bawled their eyes out. I was in such shock over how humiliating and awful the situation was that I was frozen. Well, I snapped out of it and then told the kids the puppet show was starting which distracted them from their mean, yet instructed, laughing enough to stop it. But, you know what the puppet show was about? How this monkey loved to dance and his friend, a bear, couldn't stop laughing at his dancing. The monkey's feelings were so badly get where it went. Well, this staff person just sat there - the same one with the wetting the pants incident - and was totally into the puppet show. She helped explain and really was trying to get the kids to understand how wrong it was. All I could think of was - this is exactly what you just did with that child earlier!
Okay, so all of this to say that I think what we are doing with the kids is just as important for the paid staff who come. I know they hate camp, I know they hate how hard it is to be there...but I know God could change that. So, pray for that this week please!
I'll be out of e-mail contact until a week from Tuesday. You'll hear from me then!


Blogger K&M said...

WOW! Kelsey,
That is REALLY sad and yet great! I bet the Lord will be using your team to speak to that staff person! I've been praying for you and all of those involved in leading and teaching the children! (and adults, too, huh?)

With love,

July 19, 2007 at 9:48 PM  

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