Viaţă în România --------- Life in Romania

some happy, sad, funny, frustrating, incredible, discouraging, wow, joyful and "what the heck is going on?" moments from the lives of kelsey (mama) and caleb (son) serving Jesus in romania. TOATE SUNT POSSIBLE CU ISUS! (all things are possible with Jesus!)

Tuesday, March 6, 2007


Every Monday night we have team worship. Last night was particulary cool because of the speaker we had. She has a bunch of degrees all beginning with "psycho therapy....." and specializes with women etc... Anyway she'll be speaking next week as well and last night was kind of an intro into next week. She said she'll be talking about stress, especially how stress affects missionaries. She mentioned all of these different types of stress (new for me, just usually see it as "STRESS!") and then asked what stressed us out here (so she could get prepped for next week.) Something immediately came to mind and that was the amount of suffering. I know, how dare I say that other people's suffering stresses me out. Honestly though, I don't mean it in a selfish way. Over the past month or so I have really noticed it building up inside of me. There are more kids on the street begging here in Marghita than the years previously put together. There are no programs to help them and no one cares. The babies at the hospital still keep coming. There are no programs to help this either and no one to start them. The gypsy mom dies and her girls get split up everywhere and the oldest will remain unschooled in the trash dump with her step-father. The social workers can't fine him for not putting her in school b/c he's too poor to pay the fines. In addition there are no programs to help him/her socially or to get a new home and no one to start them either. Our older orphans who live on their own have no 1 on 1 mentorship and their lives and faiths have slipped really far backwards. There just are not enough people to have that contact with the 70 or so of them. And most of the churches in Marghita don't accept them as equals anyway so the closeness and love they felt while in our group foster homes (called transit homes - transitional period from orphanage to living on their own) isn't exemplified in the churches.
I don't know, it just wears on you. Our foundation always puts that story about the starfish on the beach and the kid throwing one back b/c "it made a difference to that one" on goodbye notes to people. But what I told this lady last night was that I can't take my eyes off from the thousands left on the beach. Then she said the word "suffering." She said that we have to learn to accept that there is suffering in the world and that God has chosen not to end it...yet.
I realized that maybe I haven't accepted that - suffering. And because I haven't accepted that it can't all go away through programs and stuff that it becomes extremely stressful. So, in response to this and the other situations people brought up last night we'll be learning stress techniques next week. I think it'll be a good night!


Blogger Kristen said...

Wow, Kelsey...thanks for writing about this. I have always felt this way, too...what you worte in the end, but you know what? It's true, you're right. God has not chosen to end suffering...yet. Sometimes, I think, "wow, God, help a few? But there are so many more out there!" It can be so discouraging being only one person, as weird as that sounds. But...nothing I do will take away all the suffering around can't, nor was I meant to. Jesus will when He comes back, and no "program" ever will, at least not totally. When the burden is all on us to end the suffering around us because we think it can happen, we are just setting ourselves up to be stressed out of our minds, I agree! I think I needed to hear this! Thanks, Kelsey!

March 27, 2007 at 7:42 AM  

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